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The A.J.
The  A.J.
100% Cotton
Our Price: $40.00 / Child $30.00 Includes $5.00 donation to AJsPeaceProject

Availability:: Usually Ships in 3 to 5 Business Days

Adult or Child


Self Tied or Pre-Tied


Inspired by Andre Lamar Myers, Jr.
Andre Lamar Myers, Jr. (AJ) sunrise: July 24, 1995 Aviano, Italy, sunset: September 30, 2012 Orlando, Florida. AJsPeaceProject, Inc. (AJPP) was created when Andre L. Myers, Jr., (AJ), beloved son, brother, grandson, nephew, and friend became a victim of suicide at the tender age of 17. AJ struggled with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), and was later diagnosed with borderline bipolar disorder. He was happy kid who had an amazing family who loved and cherished him. He didn't show signs of mental illness until he was 13. And one month after his 17th birthday, his family decided to consult with a psychiatrist who prescribed a psychotropic medication. He ultimately succumbed to the side effects of the anti-anxiety medication. AJ coped with his illness through the arts. He was such an amazing and brilliant child who he taught himself Japanese, which he spoke and wrote fluently. He was a poet. AJPP has two purposes: 1. To keep AJ’s memory alive and well 2. To be the resource for parents and their teens who live with a mental illness. We want to provide holistic therapeutic workshops for teenagers and holistic resources for their parents. This gives them the opportunity to make an informed and educated decision about their child’s treatment.